In which situation should we use a vertical air curtain? - AirFlow Curtians

Vertical Air Curtains: In order to define which type of vertical air curtains, it must be evaluated which type of door there is in your company where it is expected to install the air curtain.

  • Dock fast doors:
  • Due to the specific geometry, it will not be possible to use internal horizontal air curtains in case of the system of the fast door.

In the external side of the fast door, there might be a risk of a unloading truck to crash into the horizontal air curtain damaging it.


Use an Industrial vertical air curtain in the inner part of the environment.

When using this solution, it is important to have protection stakes for the air curtain to avoid accidents such as fork lifters hitting the air curtain damaging it.

vertical air curtains

  • Docks without fast doors
  • II.1 Using in the inner side with horizontal position requires no added protection
  • II.2 Using in the outer side of the door, it needs to have a small roof for protection and better air curtain efficiency.

Important: With no protection roof, the air curtain in the outer side will blow the water drops in case of rain.

  • Big heigh doors with Air Curtains

A detailed analysis is important in case of too high doors. A door heigh of 10 meters, for example, will require, for an horizontal air curtain,  to limit the Air Curtains to 4 meters by closing the remaining gap with a steel plate of similar device. In cases like this, a specific design is possible and must be discussed in advance.

But if  the total door heigh is necessary for normal usage, a vertical air curtain will be the proper solution.


  • Swing Doors

vertical air curtains

Due to the fact the the swing door will probably have the door plates moving inner and outer getting into both sides, the unique and proper solution will the the vertical air curtains.

It is extremely important to have clear the key purpose for installing the vertical air curtain. Please, take a look in the examples bellow what we have to preserve:

Option with air curtain in just one side         vertical air curtains

    Option with the air curtain in both sides

vertical air curtains

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